Last night on RTE’s Up Front with Katie Hannon, an audience member posed a question about the upcoming marriage referendum. Viewers recognised him from a previous episode of the show. In an unsurprising twist, he has been revealed to be an LGBT activist who the state allows to teach gender ideology in schools.

Up Front with Katie Hannon is a primetime RTÉ propaganda fixture wherein members of the public are invited to discuss topics of the day, a carefully-managed spectacle to reinforce state narratives. Last night, one audience member discussed the upcoming March 8th referendums, and he has been on the show before (last September), on both occasions parroting the government line.

We can disclose the fact that this audience member, Stephen Turner, is an LGBT activist for the NGO ShoutOut (which receives government funding, of course). His profile on the ShoutOut website describes how he has given workshops to “hundreds and hundreds of secondary school students.” He also appears to be a scout leader.

Twitter profiles (here and here) appearing to be owned by the same person show a particular focus on spreading LGBT ideology in schools. For the record, he insists on his YouTube channel that he is not a paedophile:

Much of his YouTube channel is unusual:

As are his interests in turning Catholic Churches into venues for gay orgies:

There are plenty more reasons to critique his online presence and beliefs, especially as he works with children.

Ultimately, however, the real disgust should be reserved for RTÉ, who seem to* rig the audience and stage manage the production of all their programmes to ensure that only Leftist activists have their views promoted.

*e.g. Leftist activist Jessica Dunne who has appeared on the same program several times.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. Mike Parle 21/02/2024 at 15:49

    This is absolutely wrong and disgusting.

    This man needs psychiatric help asap.

    He should be barred from any future RTE media appearance.

    Teaching such ideology to young people in schools is dangerous.


  2. Ivaus@thetricolour 21/02/2024 at 17:17

    Pedophiles and queer trans come lgbtq…do not speak for or represent the
    majority of Irish Fathers,Mothers and Children,quite simply they cannot
    procreate thus their attitude to the norm,THE MAJORITY.
    So whenever they appear they should expect the majority to oppose their
    minority status because although society has been tolarant to date,it does not
    mean we should accept their crap rammed down our throats…look what happened to religeon…may THE FORCE be with you…all


  3. Grainne Keegan 22/02/2024 at 21:58

    Sure the 17 year old in the audience the other night for that debate forgot his question he was to ask he started to mumble. And then Katie Hannon jumps in with oh I have your question here. You mean the one you gave him to ask. So rigged.


  4. And he’s a scout leader!


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